Twins - Zwillinge 1988 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTIn the Line of Fire 1993 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTWächter des Tages DC 2006 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTThe Accountant 2016 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTFinal Destination 2 2003 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTDas Auge des Killers 1987 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTMinutes to Midnight - Bete dass sie nicht vorbeischauen 2018 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTFatale Begierde 1992 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTAugsburger Puppenkiste - Als der Weihnachtsmann vom Himmel fiel 2017 German 1080p microHD x264 - MBATTMy Name is Bruce 2007 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTDas wandelnde Schloss 2004 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTCity Hunter 1993 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTEasy Rider 1969 German 2160p AC3 micro4K x265 - RAISTWackersdorf 2018 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - MBATTThe Darjeeling Limited 2007 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTMan nennt mich Shalako 1968 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTKarate Tiger IV - Best of the Best 1989 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTRobocop 2 1990 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTCat Sick Blues 2015 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTDungeons & Dragons - Ehre unter Dieben 2023 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTTed 2 2015 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTGhost in the Shell 2017 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTSpider in the Web 2019 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTSomething in the Dirt 2022 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTRun - Du kannst ihr nicht entkommen 2020 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTWarm Bodies 2013 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTGhostbusters 2016 German 1600p AC3 micro4K x265 - RAISTBaise Moi - Fick Mich 2000 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTVier Fliegen auf grauem Samt 1971 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTSteiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz 2 1979 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTEin Einhalb Ritter - Auf der Suche nach der hinreißenden Herzelinde 2008 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTBad Biology 2008 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTHomefront 2013 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTNemesis 1992 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTRheingold 2022 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTConstantine 2005 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTRequiem for a Dream 2000 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTMoonwalker 1988 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTArielle die Meerjungfrau - Wie alles begann 2008 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTSleepless Beauty - Gefangen im Albtraum 2020 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTDie Munchies 1987 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTDie Meute lauert überall 1956 German 1080p microHD x264 - MBATTThe Resort 2021 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTBad Moms 2016 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTSelfless - Der Fremde in mir 2015 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTMade in Italy - Auf die Liebe 2020 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTPuppet Master DC 1989 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTZwei irre Spaßvögel 1983 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTDie wilden Hühner und das Leben 2009 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTAlien Siege - Angriffsziel Erde 2018 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTBreakin' 1984 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTAkira 1988 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTAngel has Fallen 2019 German 1600p AC3 micro4K x265 - RAISTBrüno 2009 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTRio Lobo 1970 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTAsphaltkannibalen 1980 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTGhost Stories - Glaubst Du an Geister? 2017 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTStrange Dreams 2020 German 800p microHD x264 - RAISTGalaxy Destroyer 1986 German 1080p microHD x264 - MBATTMidnight in Paris 2011 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTParadox - Kill Zone Bangkok 2017 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTMad Love in New York 2014 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTGrowl - Er riecht deine Angst 2019 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTDragonheart 2 - Ein neuer Anfang 2000 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTThe Orphanage - Das Waisenhaus 2 2013 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTDungeons & Dragons 2000 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTLet's Kill Ward's Wife 2014 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTBreeder 2020 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTHelden der Strasse 1981 German 1080p microHD x264 - RAISTDie Gangster Gang 2022 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTAttack on Titan - End of the World 2015 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTVictoria & Abdul 2017 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTCollege Animals 4 2009 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTThe Lucky One 2012 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTCon Air DC 1997 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTBlack Warrant 2022 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTOn the Line 2022 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTJohn Wick Kapitel 2 2017 German 1600p AC3 micro4K x265 - RACOONDer Gorilla mit der stählernen Klaue 1979 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTDie Brücke von Arnheim 1977 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTX-Ray - Der erste Mord geschah am Valentinstag DC 1981 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTUncharted 2022 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTZeugin der Anklage 1957 German 1080p microHD x264  - MBATTThe Crone 2013 German 1080p microHD x264 - RAISTJames Bond 007 Der Hauch des Todes 1987 German 1600p AC3 micro4K x265 - RACOONOz - Eine fantastische Welt 1985 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTBen und Charlie 1972 German 1080p microHD x264 - MBATTThe Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975 German Subbed 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTDie haarsträubende Reise in einem verrückten Bus 1976 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTDie Asse der stählernen Adler 1992 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTRed Rock West 1993 German 1080p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTRounders 1998 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTVirus - Schiff ohne Wiederkehr 1999 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTTitan - Evolve or Die 2018 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTKickboxer - Die Vergeltung 2016 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTL. A. Crash 2004 German 800p AC3 microHD x264 - RAISTSo weit die Füße tragen 2001 German 1040p AC3 microHD x264 - RAIST