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Napalm Death - Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism (2020) Napalm Death - Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism (2020)
20.08.20 11:16 |

Kurzbeschreibung: 01. Fuck the Factoid (02:27) 02. Backlash Just Because (02:56) 03. That Curse of Being in Thrall (03:36) 04. Contagion (04:05) 05. Joie de ne pas vivre (02:28) 06. Invigorating Clutch (04:05) 07. Zero Gravitas Chamber (04:03) 08. Fluxing of the Muscle (04:33) 09. Amoral (03:05) 10. Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism (02:55) 11. Acting in Gouged Faith (03:37) 12. A Bellyful of Salt and Spleen (04:36) |
Kategorie: Alben
Release Jahr: 2020
Genre: Rock/Hardrock/Metal
Dauer: N/A
Format: 320 kBit/s
Hits: 632
Größe: 101 MB
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