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German Top100 DJ Charts 14.03.2025
German Top100 DJ Charts 14.03.2025
14.03.25 12:43

: German Top100 DJ Charts 14.03.2025


1. Don Diablo - The Way I Are[3:07]
2. HBz;Neptunica;Aura Dione - Friends[2:55]
3. CHRYSTAL;NOTION - The Days (NOTION Remix)[3:54]
4. Jaden Bojsen;Sami Brielle - LET'S GO[3:14]
5. Oimara;HBz;Luca-Dante Spadafora - Wackelkontakt (HBz x Luca-Dante Spadafora Remix)[2:50]
6. Fragma - Tomorrow & Always (Radio Mix)[2:31]
7. MEDUZA;Innellea;GENESI;Nu-La - Edge Of The World (feat. Nu-La)[2:54]
8. Ken Laszlo - Hey Hey Guy (Pulsedriver 80s Edit)[2:55]
9. REIGN (US);THE NEIGHBOURS;Natalie Maida - Need The Feeling (Original Mix)[6:18]
10. Ralf Matten;Electro Beat - Next to Me (Radio Edit)[2:39]
11. Shams;Charlie Hardt - Somebody to You[3:36]
12. liquidfive - Gimme That Love[2:34]
13. Grimaldo;Le Weekend - She Is A Model[2:47]
14. Ayemi - Free[2:29]
15. Thomas Foster;Monika Ballwein - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)[2:19]
16. Sir Gladis - It's a Lie (Radio Version)[3:32]
17. PLS&TY;x.o.anne - Leave The Light On[3:06]
18. RSCL;Julia Temos - Nerves[2:39]
19. Toni del Gardo - Hurt Me[2:55]
20. Tom Civic/Tony Catania - LONELY - Single Version[3:26]
21. Talla 2XLC - Welcome To The Future (Schiller Remix)[3:51]
22. 2TRONIC - Bam Bam (Radio-Edit)[2:56]
23. Kay Moses;Alba Kras - Take U Tonite[2:06]
24. Aquinaee - Astarte (Vincenzo Remix)[5:31]
25. Sugar3itch;Groove Coverage;DJane HouseKat - Anastasia[2:41]
26. Filipovic CGN - Change[5:26]
27. Segadd - Pixel[6:38]
28. Maxx Love - Good Feeling[2:51]
29. Dakimo Music - Baby Push It (Dance Party Edit)[2:46]
30. Lizzyseventyone - Neonlights[4:44]
31. Tom Civic/Tony Catania - Color - Single Version[3:37]
32. Electrifying Work Of Art - Merseburger Zauberspruch[3:23]
33. Battenberg - Closer[2:53]
34. Humphrey Robertson - Two Hearts (Heartbeat Vocoder Mix)[4:11]
35. liquidfive - All I Do Is Crazy[2:41]
36. liquidfive - All I Do Is Crazy[2:41]
37. Chuck & Norris - On The Move (Radio Version)[2:36]
38. Franco Bascolo - Move Your Body (Radio Mix)[2:54]
39. FR3SH TrX - Hypnotic Bass[3:30]
40. liquidfive;Steerner - Smoke Alarm[2:43]
41. Thomas Will;Samlight;KAITA - Out Of My Mind[2:56]
42. STRAAW;Moav - Don't Like It[1:55]
43. Ampris;Blaze Johnson Jr.;noelle - Eastside[2:42]
44. Shaun Bate;Basslovers United - Gotta Go[2:16]
45. Tugen;Davini;Snow - Find Your Love[4:37]
46. Jens O. - Just an Illusion[2:33]
47. Totino - Funky Type[3:46]
48. Avi Sic;FOOTWURK - Work It[3:00]
49. Danny Fervent - Feels Like Heaven[3:51]
50. Mondingo;Stereoclip - You - Stereoclip Remix[4:52]
51. Max Winfield - Hands Up High[3:33]
52. Galucci;Tugen;Acrobatik - Storm (Radio Mix)[4:28]
53. MITCH DB;Aurelios;Mingue - Rockstar[1:52]
54. ELYAZ - Remember Home[3:10]
55. eXa - Dancing Through The Night[2:22]
56. Will B (UK);Kobina Akin;S.O. - Shy (Original Mix)[5:17]
57. H?n1;Water Bear - Next Day[2:36]
58. Adam Dietze - Golden[3:26]
59. Gabe Lopez - High 4 U[3:45]
60. Emir Selimi - You Are My All[3:01]
61. Wait For Me - Voodoo Magic[5:45]
62. Alphi - Ultra Violence[2:11]
63. Perfected - Disco Delight (Club Mix)[5:24]
64. ELEZO - Too Heavy[2:43]
65. Aaron Smith;Indiblu - Give Me More (Robin Barbosa Extended Mix)[6:21]
66. Tugen - Broken Glass[3:18]
67. Nightfreaks - So Long[2:54]
68. Kicevski - I Like Your Body[3:08]
69. Charmain Love - Pariba (Radio-Edit)[2:49]
70. Esse. - Set This House (Original Mix)[5:36]
71. NM - I Will Always Want You[2:48]
72. Alphones - Hard Melody[3:03]
73. Wait For Me - No Day Like Today[3:24]
74. DES3ETT - Tokot?[2:18]
75. T L - Imagination[4:29]
76. Will Wallace - Be Afraid[3:27]
77. Sammy Porter;Mia Silema - Ecstacy[2:36]
78. MITCH DB;Level 8;James Jay - Weight of Your Love[2:16]
79. Agnostic - S?lo una vez[4:16]
80. Tom Andrews - You Got My Heart[2:51]
81. BDSmith - Feeling[2:22]
82. Miramar - Calypso[3:14]
83. Odssey;Scarlett - Heatwave[3:11]
84. Eran Hersh;Guztavo PT;Mike Fuentez - U Got Me[2:18]
85. Add9 - Show Me How To Love[3:16]
86. Zack Martino;Sevnth Heavn;JAS. - Fallin'[3:01]
87. Kyparis - All mine[6:02]
88. Zach Bickel - Maximal House[3:25]
89. Henney Henrok - Lana Persiana[5:40]
90. Zach Bickel - Manuel Antonio[4:13]
91. DJ Ronnie Rave - I Know It Gets Hard[5:16]
92. Naag - Piyari (DJ Chus Remix)[3:37]
93. Armin van Buuren/Punctual/EVALINA - Angels[2:28]
94. Lilly Palmer/Ad-Apt - Party Don't Stop[3:22]
95. Picco - Dance[2:11]
96. DJ Antoine;Mad Mark;The Outhere Brothers - FUITA[3:48]
97. James Godfrey;flocon - Pretty Green Eyes[2:48]
98. Paul Sirrell - All I Need[3:37]
99. LUPO.THEBOY - Paris[3:41]
100. Dom Dolla;Daya - Dreamin (feat. Daya)[2:52]

Kategorie: Charts
Release Jahr: 2025
Genre: Dance
Dauer: N/A
Format: 320 kBit/s
Hits: 233
Größe: 785 MB

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