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Gabrielle Aplin - Phosphorescent (2023) FLAC Gabrielle Aplin - Phosphorescent (2023) FLAC
05.01.23 13:25 |

Kurzbeschreibung: 1. Skylight (4:00) 2. Never Be the Same (3:26) 3. Good Enough (3:09) 4. Anyway (3:32) 5. Wish I Didnt Press Send (3:40) 6. Take It Easy (3:11) 7. Don't Know What I Want (2:26) 8. Call Me (3:28) 9. Half in Half out (4:05) 10. Mariana Trench (3:17) 11. Don’t Say (3:25) |
Kategorie: Lossless
Release Jahr: 2023
Genre: Pop
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 297
Größe: 276 MB
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